Andrea Tagliaferro

Living in South Florida while working on a design team for a yacht retrofit, I met and heard about many strong women doing amazing things in this industry. Yet, at the same time, I often found myself very alone, feeling as though the women in the yachting world were very isolated from one another. That’s why I originally set out to build @yachtdame as a platform to highlight and support the badass women that I looked up to, yet often go overlooked.

Over the past year and a half, the account has grown from a few posts highlighting personal and professional achievements of the industry’s leading ladies, to a thriving community of women and men, who are exchanging ideas, inspiring each other, and celebrating their successes together.

Along the way, I am having a blast. I get to combine my love for this industry, my experiences working on board and on land with my professional design background, all while shining a light on the leading dames in the yachting world. I have the unique opportunity to get to interview some of the most impressive personalities and every day I am overwhelmed when I realize just how many fantastic characters work in this space.

I get to smile like a little kid every time someone tells me that the stories featured on the account motivate them to reach for even higher goals. At the same time, I hope that this account can not only make a difference in highlighting the success stories, but also the struggles to help anyone watching to overcome their own obstacles.

I am very honored to be nominated for this award. However, without all the kick-ass women who have been featured and the countless who have yet to join this group, all this would not have grown. I am looking forward to the coming years, where we can grow this network to a team supporting each other and growing together.

Thank you very much for this nomination and thank you even more for your support to grow this community together.