Laurie Schermbrucker

Laurie joined the industry 8 years ago at age 19 and was lucky enough to be promoted to her first Chief role onboard 50m Mon Plaisir within 2 years. Since then she has continued to grow and develop as a Chief Stewardess as she takes on greater responsibilities with each new role. Interested to progress further and broaden her knowledge of the industry as a whole, she recently sat the TCA Purser course, where she was subsequently nominated for this award. Organisation and administration have always been both a strength and a passion, to be paid for these things is a real cherry on top! With the support of an interior crew made up of ACTUAL beams of sunshine, she could not be happier in her current position onboard M/Y Coral Ocean where she has the opportunity to gain further experience in the Purser side of her role while still being hands on with guest interaction. Laurie has now spent more than half her life at sea with 8 years in yachting and 7 years as a child on a 30ft sailing yacht, cruising from South Africa to New Zealand. In her spare time you will find her kitesurfing, talking about kitesurfing, or doing accounts.