Sandra Jordaan

Hi I am Sandra Jordaan. You might know me as The Yacht Crew Coach and The Yacht Purser. I am honoured to be nominated for this award again. I am passionate about helping yacht crew to excel in their careers and have a happy and rewarding yachting journey. I was recently elected to the new PYA Council Welfare Group and am also a Nautilus Partner. In 2020, I became a She of the Sea Ambassador and Pledge Signatory because I believe that gender diversity in yachting is crucial to our future success as an industry. My yachting experience spanned over ten years, where I traveled extensively to over 60 countries and all seven continents. I worked onboard private, charter and explorer yachts up to 91m, as a chief stewardess and purser.

I launched The Ultimate Yacht Purser Course in 2019 (IAMI GUEST accredited) because many aspiring pursers lacked the practical skills needed to excel in the role. Students gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to perform vessel administration and logistics confidently. As a career coach, I help crew discover their strengths and build their confidence so that they can find a job on a yacht they love, which is a bonus for students.When I am not managing an international training company and supporting students and yacht crew worldwide, you will find me pottering in the garden with my 2.5-year-old son Leo.

I am also a part of a large yacht stewardess community on Whatsapp, where I regularly provide advice, support, and mentorship to the 255 amazing women in the group. I also support a private Facebook and Whatsapp purser community. They can network and share information or just celebrate a birthday if they need to!