Shaun Falconer

I began my career in Fort Lauderdale in 2010. I have always been placed in a position of leadership both before and after joining the industry. Developing an understanding of how to achieve a goal as well as what your goal is has always been of interest to me. It is funny then that I joined an industry where the goal posts are constantly moving whether it be certification based, owner and guest satisfaction, management company expectations and so on. Sifting my way through these changing expectations allowed me to develop an understanding goal attainment. Mentorship is the most valuable tool one can possess in the yachting industry, especially when placed in a position to manage junior ranks. Long-hours of work, extended periods of time away from family and friends, working on the ocean in general – all contribute to a high-intensity life style often characterized by little time to self-reflect, tune into your personal growth and define your goals. A good mentor is one that provides the time and effort in assisting with defining your goals and ambitions. Even more importantly, a good mentor provides you with the tools where you can independently evaluate, assess and formulate a plan to successfully achieving your goals.