Robyn Pieters

Fairly new to the Chef scene with a fresh 5 years of guest cooking, I’m still finding this new career path exhilarating & surprising. 

Besides a lot of self-teaching and a family who loves cooking, I owe a lot of my knowledge and passion for cooking to the wonderful chefs I worked with during my 8 years of being a stewardess. Each of them took me under their wing in their own way, and shared their experience and time with a food-curious stewardess, leading me to be the chef I am today. 

I’m passionate about bright, bold and colourful food, that’s healthy and flavorful and brings happiness to the people that eat it. I work hard to make sure my crew eats to the same standards as my guests, believing a healthy and well-fed crew that feels cared for, is a happy crew, which is incredibly important to me.

The lessons in flexibility, time management and on-the-spot problem-solving that this job has taught me are the ultimate life skills. The perks of being a chef on a superyacht that sails hard and often! Being able to laugh when things go awry helps too.

I still feel surprised when I look at pictures of food I’ve produced and think “Wow, I made that!?” I still feel major imposter syndrome seeing the masterpieces the incredible chefs of this industry are producing and wonder to myself how on earth to shape up. I think it’s a combination of these feelings that keeps me growing and pushing to try new things and challenge myself in my little galley. I’m excited to see what the future will hold for my cooking abilities.