The Awards Ceremony took place on 13th October in Nice – it was a night to remember with 275 Captains and Crew from around the globe celebrating the best crew in the business.
Nominations and Voting closed as of 31st August. All nominees received a complimentary invitation to the awards ceremony with a value of 150€. All finalists received up to 10 complimentary invitations to the awards ceremony (value 10 x 150€).

There were 17 Categories including every department on board, best charter and private yacht, as well as rewarding crew who excelled as leaders, team players, courage or work in sustainability. During the nomination phase we received 200 nominations, presenting some fantastic candidates. The voting process followed throughout August and over 10,000 votes were cast. Based on the voting results, we then narrowed down the candidates to the final 3 nominees per Award category.
For the duration of September we determined the winner for each award working with an extensive team of unbiased judges. ACREW selected 30 judges, mostly comprising of captains and senior crew. These judges reviewed the curriculum vitae, references and watch a video interview of each candidate.
Based on the extensive material provided, small groups of judges deliberated each category.
Categories: Best Charter Yacht Award
CategoryCategories: Best Private Yacht Award
CategoryCategories: Captain (Master 3000GT) Award
CategoryCategories: Captain (Master 500GT) Award
CategoryCategories: Captain (Master Unlimited) Award
CategoryCategories: Chef Award
CategoryCategories: Chief Engineer & ETO Award
CategoryCategories: Chief Stew Award
CategoryCategories: Courageous Award
CategoryCategories: Deck Award
CategoryCategories: Engineer & ETO Award
CategoryCategories: First Officer Award
CategoryCategories: Leadership Award
CategoryCategories: Purser Award
CategoryCategories: Stew Award
CategoryCategories: Sustainability Award
CategoryCategories: Team Player Award