Chiara Soldati

[email protected]

A B O U T  M Y S E L F

Owner at La Scolca Wines, 4th generation of the Soldati Family, Italian winemakers in Piedmont since 1919, and since 1998 CEO of the winery, recently honored and awarded with the title of Cavaliere del Lavoro by the President of the Italian Republic Mattarella for all her achievements and for being a distinctive business woman and now more than ever engaged in supporting women working in my company and mentoring other women in business. She is also President of CASA Committee for The Social Aspects of Alchol at Federvini and a National Delegate of Federvini.

Over more than 60 hectares, nearly a million bottles produced, dynamic organic canons in the vineyard and main vine Cortese, a white in the land of the Reds. Our signature wine is Gavi dei Gavi, the white wine considered Piedmont’s jewel in the crown.

I spent my childhood in the vineyards with my father Giorgio. Wine for me is a great passion that is repeated every year with the harvest, today the 105 th. As my cousin the writer Mario Soldati used to say, wine is “the poetry of the earth”. I have never thought of wine as a product, but as an iconic way of life representative of Italian excellence.

I have always worked inspired by the desire to innovate and by a deep attention to environmental and social sustainability, that’s why La Scolca has been certified. In 105 years La Scolca has become an icon of the Italian lifestyle – La Dolce Vita – thanks to the intense internationalization work, which I have carried out all over the world as the brand ambassador and which has allowed us to be today in the best global destinations. Today alongside my son Ferdinando – strongly representing the 5th generation – we strive to bring the youngest generation the knowledge of our territory and the pleasure to enjoy wine with moderation and responsible drinking.