WOW! Time time now I’ve been nominated. As I am very bad talking about myself just copy and paste previous year. Sorry not because lazy just hard to talk about myself.;)
I born in Alicante (Spain) in the south east coast Spain, having a very strong attraction about machinery and the Mediterranean sea since very young. this guide my career in to the diving world and machinery design for many different sectors at shore industries until step in to the yachting industry with my own company making some electrical and automation refits on yacht.
In 2006 sold my company and started working as crew member in different boats at same time upgrading my certificates, them in 2014 I entry in the big boats industry and improving my personal skills at the level of head of Engine room department and professional skills mainly about cybersecurity in the last years. Trying to share my experience to all my work mates to get our department to the highest level and the best relationship between all crew members on board all around the world.
Never missing my lovely family and great friends at home and making a lot of barbeques, paellas and friends meeting at home and practicing my hobbies like photography, Judo, diving, and outdoor sports in general.
Once again many thanks for this 2nd time nomination.