All The No’s You Need To Know, When Cruising Sardinia

Let’s take a moment to reflect on Nautica Assistance’s hilarious encounters this summer!

Remember, laughter is the secret ingredient that keeps our spirits high and our adventures unforgettable. So let’s sail through this season with a big smile and a contagious sense of humour!

We would like to mark the season with a humorous look at the life of a  Nautica Assistance agent, by highlighting the most popular questions they’ve received. We bet you’ve asked at least one of these questions during your adventurous crew life in Sardinia.

In this light-hearted article, we explore the six common questions many visitors ask about Sardinia, only to discover that the answer is a resounding “No” to all of them! So, let’s dive into the amusing world of agent life and unveil the truth behind these popular inquiries.

Can you have a BBQ in Cala Luna, Sardinia?

Picture the allure of enjoying a barbecue amidst the breathtaking beauty of Cala Luna! Unfortunately, the answer is a firm “No.” Cala Luna, known for its stunning limestone cliffs and crystal-clear waters, is a protected area, where preserving its natural splendour takes precedence over sizzling sausages and grilled delights. In fact, BBQ’s are forbidden everywhere on the beaches in Sardinia! The main reason is the risk of fires on the island, especially when the wind blows, which tends to be 300 days a year!!

Dreaming of having an idyllic deserted beach all to yourself in the peak summer month of August?

Well, we hate to burst your bubble, but the reality is that finding a truly deserted beach in Sardinia during this time is highly unlikely. August is the busiest month for tourism in Sardinia, attracting visitors from around the world who flock to enjoy its pristine shores. You might find less crowded beaches on the east coast of Sardinia, particularly around Cardedu or Spiaggia di Murtas. On the west coast, Piscinas is also a good option. By September, we can certainly expect even fewer crowds!

Can I stay anchored in this anchorage attached to the rock in Maddalena?

While the idea of anchoring your vessel close to the magnificent rock formations of Maddalena sounds appealing, it’s unfortunately not allowed. Maddalena Archipelago is a protected national park, ensuring the conservation of its extraordinary marine ecosystem. Anchoring near the rocks could cause irreparable damage to the delicate environment and is prohibited throughout Sardinia, not just in La Maddalena.

Can I jet ski in La Maddalena?

Zooming across the azure waters of Maddalena on a jet ski might be on many people’s bucket lists, but the answer remains a resolute “No.” As a protected area, Maddalena is governed by strict regulations to safeguard its marine life and preserve its natural integrity. Jet skiing is prohibited in order to maintain the tranquillity of this remarkable destination. Jet skis are also forbidden by Tavolara Island and Capo Carbonara Marine Natural Reserve.

We have 1000 nautical miles of coast in Sardinia: why does everyone want to jetski in the 50 miles of the preserved marine park?

Can we have a party in the military area of Cala Zafferano in South Sardinia?

For those looking to party in an unconventional location, the South Sardinia military area of Cala Zafferano might seem tempting. However, entering this restricted area is strictly prohibited for civilian visitors. The military area is intended for military operations and security purposes, ensuring the safety and privacy of its operations.

So, if you decide to party anyway, you may see some unexpected fireworks during your private event!

Can I stay at anchor with no buoy in Cala di Volpe?

Cala di Volpe, known for its luxurious resorts and glamorous atmosphere, may entice boaters to drop anchor and relish the beauty of the bay. However, anchoring without a buoy in Cala di Volpe is not permitted. The area is meticulously managed to maintain order and preserve its natural appeal, ensuring a harmonious experience for all visitors. However, it is possible to anchor outside the bay, 200 metres from the last buoy, either to the north or the south. Buoys are mainly installed to preserve the seabeds, giving boats the possibility to stay in certain areas without using their anchors.

     While the allure of Sardinia’s pristine beaches, enchanting coves, and captivating landscapes is undeniably irresistible, there are certain limitations and regulations in place to protect these natural wonders. Understanding and respecting these rules not only preserves the island’s beauty for future generations but also ensures a sustainable and harmonious experience for everyone. So, the next time you find yourself asking one of these six questions, remember the big “No” and embrace the unique charm and adventure that Sardinia has to offer within the boundaries of its regulations.