Alexandra, a seasoned professional with a multicultural background, brings a wealth of diverse experiences to her role at Cantiere Rossini Shipyard. Born in England and raised in France, she embarked on a journey that led her across Spain and Italy before settling in Milan and ultimately relocating to Pesaro.
With a strong foundation in executive assistance, Alexandra began her career in the freight shipping and oil and gas industries.
Now, as the Experience and Marketing Responsible at Cantiere Rossini Shipyard, Alexandra has discovered her passion for the industry. As a native English speaker and fluent in French and Italian, she seamlessly navigates the dynamic environment of the shipyard. She recognizes the vibrancy and positivity captains and crew, whom she regards as life lovers and upbeat individuals. Being surrounded by such inspiring people has become her driving force and her motivation for excelling in her role.
With her proactive approach and unwavering dedication, Alexandra plays a pivotal role in shaping the success of Cantiere Rossini Shipyard. Her journey reflects her adventurous spirit and her commitment to personal and professional growth!