Caroline Blatter


Born and educated in Argentina, and then Belgium and England, Caroline learnt to adapt to an often changing environment, and developed a passion for languages, travel and embracing other cultures. She trained as a Physiotherapist, and over the years has worked in a variety of places, from a London hospital, Sydney’s Royal North Shore, to volunteering in Antigua with their ‘Search and Rescue Organisation – ABSAR’. She also qualified to teach children with learning difficulties, and worked in Mallorca for several years at the international schools whilst based there.

With a love for the sea and boats, she has sailed over 30,000 miles with Andrew, in the Med and Caribbean, chartering, managing a prominent new build, and living on their own boat with their growing young family for 6 years! Home has been Antigua for the past 11 years, though they now live in England.

Having set Superyacht Publications up with Andrew in 2002, Caroline manages the operational & online side of the business, researching/writing & editing for all the Guides. She continues to love the outdoors/ sport & travel when time permits, as well as sharing family life with four children!