Daniela Urgoiti

Villa Chef

Daniela, from the Spanish Basque country; has 15 years of experience in the culinary industry, from being sous chef of amazing chefs, head chef in different restaurants, cooking in private villas, to successfully running her own restaurant in Palma de Mallorca for 5 years. With her creativity, extensive experience and skills, she can comfortably cook any type of cuisine, and this always with respect for the product and its environment.

She is a part of Organichefs! Why organichefs?

Because 80% of the raw material we use, comes from small farmers with additive-free fruits and vegetables, free grazing cows, happy chickens and wild fish.

​My philosophy goes hand in hand with a local cuisine without additives, cooking simply, using the best raw product.

I like to identify with the Mediterranean Sea. My Mediterranean Soul is inhabited by the smell of salt, olive trees, almonds, citrus trees, white sand and Tramuntana.

I want to serve all the untamed beauty of the Mediterranean Nature in your plate, through a personalized gastronomic experience.