I am a Captain son of a Captain father, and yachting has always been in my DNA.
I started my career in the early 80s, working as Deckhand and solo Crew member on small boats during my summer school holidays, and I slowly but constantly grew up in the years, escalating all the ranks of my profession, which took me to celebrate my 30 years as a Captain this April. I have been extremely lucky to sail in some of the most beautiful and wild seas around the planet and to build incredible memories during my journey in yachting, and I still think that this is one of the best jobs in the world.
I am currently at the helm of the iconic 97 mt. Carinthia VII, after having served for about two years on another Lurssen, the 104 mt. Quantum Blue.
I constantly strive to foster a positive and happy atmosphere on board, emphasizing a strong safety culture and trying to mentor my officers by sharing my experience.
I love to be surrounded and to work with young Crew members, to listen to and learn from their different approaches and point of view about yachting and the profession itself, and I truly believe that Teamwork is the key to success.
In my private life I am an ordinary and simple person, who loves to spend his time off with his family, dog, cats and garden, and I am very proud of my homemade/self cultivated tomatoes (I have to admit, supervised by my father-in-law…)!