Daisy Webster

I started as a crew chef in the industry, coming from a strong fine dining background this really showed me a different side to cooking, focussing more on nourishing people and giving them what they needed. I became a head chef at a young age, after a year I felt quite stagnant and I had to re align my career and goal posts. I realised that being a head chef isn’t just about cooking, it;s having a duty to your team to keep on learning in your own personal time so that you can come back and keep the exchange of knowledge strong. I really do love my job and without being super cheese feel incredibly blessed to travel, cook without limitations and work with the team I have. In terms of where I’m going next, I have a couple of years left in the industry then a previous charter guest has offered to back my restaurants which I’ll set up in LA. I’m excited to cook my food, which feeds my soul – opposed to cooking from preference sheets.
On my next rotation I’m going to Japan to do Tokyo Sushi Academy. In the past I’ve been so burnt out after a season I sit and do nothing. These days I constantly push myself, by doing paid private events, or even inviting my friends over to try out new dishes. When not on the boat I’m surfing, fishing and cooking on the beach.