Sogan Wahanui

Hi there! My name is Sogan. I’m from a small town in Australia and have spent the past six years working on deck in the yachting industry. Previously, I was a qualified teacher and worked at American summer camps, but since transitioning to yachting, I haven’t looked back!

As a Bosun and lead deckhand, I’ve had the opportunity to blend my passions for teaching, traveling, and building genuine connections with like-minded individuals—all in one role. For this, I am truly grateful. I’ve been fortunate to learn from some incredibly inspiring people, and I aspire to leave a positive impact on those I work with and meet.

In the future, I aim to expand my knowledge of the theoretical aspects of deck work to become a purser. In this role, I hope to advocate for mental health awareness onboard, fostering a supportive and healthy environment for all crew members.