M/Y Illusion V

Meet the exceptional crew of M/Y Illusion V, a dynamic team that embodies diversity, expertise, and a fun, interactive approach to guest service. Composed of personal trainers, dive instructors, yoga instructors, masseuses, kiteboarders, and adventure enthusiasts, this crew is dedicated to providing guests with the ultimate luxury experience.

What sets this crew apart is not just their individual expertise, but our close relationship with each other. Working seamlessly as a team, communicating effortlessly, anticipating each other’s needs, and collaborating flawlessly to ensure that every guests’ desires are met with precision and care.

Known for our interactive and fun approach to guest service, we ensure every moment on board is not only luxurious but also engaging and memorable. We put special emphasis on family enjoyment, which creates a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere to guests of all ages.

In addition to personalized activities and adventures, the crew excels in hosting themed dinners and cocktail parties that delight the senses and spark joy. From elegant themed dinners under the stars to lively cocktail parties on deck, each event is meticulously planned and executed.

Whether engaging guests in lively conversations, organizing entertaining activities, or sharing their passion for adventure, Illusion V crew ensure that every experience is memorable.