Originally born in the UK but moved to the south coast of Spain near Gibraltar when I was just 1year old.
Being in that environment it almost seemed natural to progress into a career working on the water.
An enjoyment that is largely due to my uncle taking me under his wing and showing me the way. I got my first real taste of yachting when I joined the awesome crew of MY Checkmate to help out during a yard period in Fort Lauderdale, it was then when I realized how fun the job could be in the right environment.
Luckily for me it has gone uphill from when I joined MY Teleost on my first full time job as a second engineer. I seemed to be in a really fortunate position as everyone only wanted the best for me and wanted to see me progress and learn!
Which gets me to the position I am today, on MY Tango as a 3rd engineer. Here I feel like the opportunity to learn and progress with some amazing people seem endless.
Huge thank you to all the people involved in the adventure sofar!