During my all life I have been moved by challenge and motivation. I always had that feeling inside me that I had to get out my confort zone and face the fears, dive into the unknown. My jorney into the yatching industry goes way beyond the industry itself. Comes all the way back living in Brazil and trying to get out of the bubble of only manage to survive on a such a beautiful country, but sadly, a hard country to have goals and financial stability. I knew I had to manage to get out of the country to be able to reach every dream I had in mind, that seemed impossible to be honest. I managed to save money to travel to New Zealand and that eventually happened. Fast tracking what have happened there, I lived 11 years in Aotearoa and it was the best things that happened in my life. After getting my citizenship, I believed that I reached the summit of everything I dreamed about it. But I was wrong. That was way more to come. During my 1st Europe leisure trip, on my last week out of the 6 weeks I spend travelling more than 10 countries in the continent, I found myself in a hostel in Barcelona meeting fellows travellers. Started talking with this Aussie bloke and mentioned on the conversation that I was a fitness coach, Personal Trainer back in NZ. On his side, he told me he was having some days off out of his Superyatch job. Suddendly something clicked and I was amazed about learning about something that I never thought that existed. He described me an amazing lifestyle, that immediately, I was fascinated about it. My goal from there was to learn how to get to the point that I can work on this yatchs as a Deck/PT. I knew it was going to be a long preparation to it, but I was excited for this new challenge. After doing my STCW in NZ, I left my clients, friends, home, sold everything that I had to pursue into my new adventure on getting a job on Superyacths. Straight to Mallorca and lots of will I started dockwalking with my skateboard through the marinas and networking as much as possible. Managed to get some days works but my breakthrough to show how good I was and how willing I was to give my best so can people see how good I was, happened after I getting a call to do some day work at the shipyard as assistanting the engineering team. Supposedly I was going to help for a week and I ended up staying for 1 and a half months. It was everything I needed to from there starting to get some more jobs. After 6 months I joined Kohuba as a relief for the Stewardess that left but immediately I saw the opportunity to become the Deck/Engineer on the upcoming season. After this I spent my last 3 years as a Seasonal Deck/Eng at Kohuba and on my months off I was upskilling myself taking courses and upgrading my skills. I learned so much and I love this lifestyle. I develop a passion for the ocean, sailing skils, engineering tasks and I could still train fitness to some guests that come onboard. I never, in my wildest dreams, even close, thought that I was going to be where I am right now. I feel that I reached the summit again, but I know that is more summits to reach from now on and I am always ready for the next challenge ahead. Getting my OOW and ugrading my skills as an Engineer joining the SV engineer program. And who knows, getting the Acrew award? The sky is the limit!