I’m a 30 year old South African born chef, who’s been in the industry since 2014. Having completed a degree in marketing and getting itchy feet at home I started looking into potential options to travel while earning. I started my career as a deckhand before returning home to follow the dream, which was to go the culinary school and follow my passion of cooking. Since then I’ve worked on several boats, but will be completing my fourth summer with AWOL this year. The industry struck me as an exciting one when I heard about it through friends, who were currently working in the SoF. I thought it would be a great way to travel the world, have new experiences and make new friends. Little did I know it would lead to fulfilling a passion and life long dream. Having started on a 23m vessel as a deck/chef/stew, I’ve worked my way up to a 30m sole chef, the current boat I’m on now 37m, sole chef, and maxed out as head chef on a 70m.