My tale begins in 2007, a young kiwi embarking on ‘The Big OE’. The plan was to day work, save, travel, be home for Christmas and back to work as a Physiotherapist. So here I am thrust into the super yacht world, living away from home for the first time, learning the lingo, registering with recruitment agents, dock walking and networking at the Blue Lady in Antibes. After a few weeks I secure my first role onboard a 30m yacht as a seasonal Stew/Masseuse. It was an eye opening experience, definitely not the glamorous lifestyle I had imagined but I loved everything about it. I was hooked. Cancelling my flight home I started to look for my next adventure. My next role was onboard a 60m yacht where I quickly progressed through the ranks from Stew/Masseuse to Second Stew/Masseuse and in 2010 promoted to Chief Stewardess. Since then I continued to work as a Chief Stewardess onboard 60-63m dual season, private and charter yachts.
After taking that life changing first step into the industry 15 years ago I have grown both professionally and personally. I attribute this growth to the fantastic captains and crew I have worked along side, guests I have meet and had the pleasure of serving and the network of support from ashore far and wide. My goal now is to continue working within the yachting industry but in a supporting role ashore. In my spare time I have assisted green crew entering the industry in the hope they find the same joy in their next adventure as I have.
I am extremely thankful for the nomination. As I look back on my path as a chief stew it’s incredible to know that my knowledge and skill set have made an impact. Helped someone, somewhere along on their journey and in turn you have helped me on mine. So, thank you.