Improving crew longevity

Job Portal
ACREW powered by Meridian offers the possibility to post public and private vacancies to its members. The members have given consent and are actively looking for a position. The matching criteria are based on hard criteria like position, experience, location etc. but also on soft criteria. Get login details to your vessel‘s profile, upload unlimited vacancies and receive email notifications when crew members apply with link to profile and contact details.
The ACREW DP3 Assessment is an insightful Personality Profile that helps crew discover their strengths & competences. This is done through a detailed report of 14 pages that addresses the following areas:
Key Personality-Behavioral Traits / Environmental Role Adjustments as it relates to the workplace / Key Strengths and Motivators as well as De-Motivators / Leadership Style / Decision-Making Style / Emotional Intelligence Levels / Stress and Energy Levels / Personal Learning Styles

Crew Awards
The Crew Awards is a globally recognised event, known for its integrity and glamour; the only Awards Competition that truly honours Superyacht Crew for their hard work and dedication to the industry. The Awards encompass 20 categories that aim to reward all departments on board. The judging panel consists of former and current senior superyacht Captains & Crew who are influential & highly valued in the yachting community.