Released in 2013, DEEP Blue Soft is an easy-to-use software and a valuable resource on a busy vessel.
In 2022 DEEP Blue Soft launched its Purchase Order module. This module is the ultimate team player, connecting Inventory, Spare Parts and Finance.
Reduce unnecessary spending by preventing over-purchasing. The latest addition to the DEEP Blue programme allows users to create purchase orders with an optional multi-level approval system.
Follow your deliveries closely with the ability to receive full or partial orders.
PO allows the crew to create wish lists for all items that must be restocked in Inventory and Spare Parts. This helps the crew keep track of what they need, and management keeps track of what they will spend. The wish list is not an obligation of purchase but a shopping list for all your valuable expenses. The PO can also be created for non-stocked items like concert tickets or professional services.

Like the other modules, the reports will provide a clear picture of the status of your purchase orders. They detail pending deliveries and open or completed orders. The order is validated, and received items will be automatically populated in stock levels of Inventory or Spare Parts modules.
The approved quote is sent to the Financial module, and the financial team can follow the orders and be sure they don’t overpay for goods not received or request credit notes when required.
All involved parties will be informed about when they must act in the process by receiving an alert on their dashboard.
DEEP Blue maintains the system’s security through approvals and user access permissions. A secure and tamper-proof history tab records all actions made by the users at every stage in the process.
With a vision of permanent progress, the DEEP Blue team regularly upgrades all modules to help users be more responsive. At DEEP Blue, they listen to their clients and continuously take feedback from the crew and the yachting experts to aid in the ongoing evolution. The team is deeply committed to offering a personalised experience to support their client’s needs in a timely and friendly manner with advice, technical help and quick problem-solving.
To cut a long story short, DEEP Blue Soft is a software that has it all. Not only ten brilliant modules that will make your life onboard easier but a skilled team behind it to ensure that your time and money are well-spent with unlimited training and support. As an anchor, DEEP Blue Soft is essential for existing and new build yachts. Don’t set sail without it.