SEMINAR: Does Green Superyacht Technology make sense to owners?

Exploring Alternative Fuels and Technologies for greener superyachts.

The shipping industry is under increasing pressure to act upon the Paris Agreement and reduce greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions. The substantial emission reductions which must be achieved over the next decades are
expected to drive technology development and, in particular, the introduction of low carbon fuels.
Furthermore, authorities are increasingly paying attention to the consequences of hazardous NOX, SOX and
particle emissions at the local level.

Reducing emissions to air and introducing new propulsion technologies are key challenges for the
worldwide transport sector, including superyachts. The world’s future fleet will have to rely on a broader range
of fuels, propulsion solutions and energy efficiency measures.

DNV GL hosts a seminar including industry experts, captains and local authorities to answer the big
question: “Will superyacht owners have to find greener ways to fuel their yachts? Will they want to?”. A must
visit seminar during Monaco Yacht Show 2018.

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